You’ve always been told that bigger is better, right? Well that’s not necessarily the case if you're following the current housing trend. All across the country, people are downsizing in a big way. Families are moving out of their five-bedroom houses and into 500-square-foot homes. These compact dwellings are known as "tiny houses," but their popularity is no small thing.

The Tiny House Revival
During the counterculture movement of the 1960s, young people shunned the ways of their consumption-driven predecessors and chose to live sparsely. This recent tiny house resurgence, however, is not politically driven. It is a result of the financial and housing crisis that struck the country several years ago. Tiny houses give people the chance to get rid of unnecessary possessions and still live both independently and comfortably.
Environmentally Friendly
This home minimization movement, although originally financially motivated, has now evolved. Some people have embraced the tiny house trend as a means to live a more environmentally responsible lifestyle. According to Country Living magazine, tiny houses use 26,000 fewer pounds of CO2 per year than a normal house of around 2,500 square feet. The article also estimates that while it takes an average of seven full logging trucks to build a regular house, you can build two tiny houses from the contents of a single logging truck.
Additional Savings
In addition to smaller lumber and energy requirements helping to save the environment, tiny houses also help save your wallet! AARP reports that tiny houses are 11 times less expensive than the average home, and 68 percent of tiny homeowners have no mortgage. Because they are spending less on HVAC and electricity, tiny house owners are able to use their savings to do more of the things they love.
Who is buying these tiny houses?
AARP goes on to say that 40 percent of tiny homeowners are 50 years of age or older. These miniature residences provide the perfect amount of space for older retired couples who don't require much room, or who spend most of their time traveling. The other 60 percent of owners is made up of older millennials.
An affordable house with low-demand maintenance is a practical purchase for any busy, unmarried individuals in their late 20s and early 30s. This group appreciates that the smaller spaces have great potential for creative decorating. Adding unique lofted bedding or custom hardwood floors make every inch of the tiny home a product of their own creation.
So, if you're looking for a comfortable way to downsize, explore tiny house options in your area. Not only will your friends think you're trendy, but you'll be saving money and the environment in the process.